2024 Fall Service Newsletter

This spring and summer has certainly been personally challenging, and I’m certain many of you have gone through periods of events just going “south” for months on end. My husband overcame a serious medical condition. Our NH home was severely damaged by the last storm of the season. The central air quit working, multiple appliances died all at once along with vehicle issues at the same time. Something happened to the well water while on vacation which turned my hair Cyndi Lauper orange.
The majority would agree that boating is true salvation. Boating is such a release of physical and mental tensions of worries in everyday life. It is a chance to escape and unplug for as long as you choose. Your mind is so clear, while being on a boat that is moving through the water. Everything falls into place in terms of what is important and what is not. Our home was repaired in time for vacation, hairdressers work magic, William made lieutenant and Amy got engaged!
I can’t imagine if I didn’t have the ability to have boating in my life. That is why I can say from personal experience how important it is to perform regular maintenance on your engine each season. It is key to focus on an area that may have been neglected; such as electrical wiring or battery cables. We have seen so many voltage issues cause time down off the water this season. We are ready to winterize your engine(s) and take care of any issues you are having. Our Staff is continuously training and updating their certifications in all brands we sell. ABI still remains one of the top Suzuki Dealers in the U.S. We stress pressure washing, taking care of your water systems, shrink wrapping your boat for protection and storing with us for a minimal fee. Our Parts Department is fully stocked with supplies for all winterization needs. They can answer any questions you have including electronics. **Note, if storing your boat with ABI, you MUST present a certificate of insurance.
Please fill out the comprehensive winterization form and return it to: cdesilva@atlanticboats.com or mwestberg@atlanticboats.com. If you need a haul, please fill in the date and all pertinent information. All forms: winterization checklist, pricing, and storage contract are on our website: www.atlanticboats.com.
A few seasons ago, I wrote that we are all in the same boat. Whether it is our personal journey through life, or our work life, we are. I know whatever is stealing your peace is easy to throw overboard once you are on your boat. Trust me, keep maintaining your boat so you can live for today and enjoy each and every moment. “Life Is Not A Race- It Is a Journey”.
Better Boating, Better Life.
Catherine A. de Silva
Service Manager
Atlantic Boats, Inc.